lunes, 25 de junio de 2012

One chapter every nine days

Work for Money, Design for Love schedule

I'm on chapter 14 of 22. It's been going like this: I'll send a draft to my development editor Cathy Lane. She'll correct grammar, get rid of fluff, question weak points or anything that's unclear, and make excellent suggestions, too. Cathy's been a great help.

But behind the scenes it's not just the two of us involved with the book. Becky Winter is handling production, Charlene Will is overseeing and advising on the design layout, Kim Scott is setting the content in InDesign, David Michael Moore is rounding up each chapter with a "visual narrative," and Nikki McDonald is again on hand to make sure the project runs smoothly (you might remember it was Nikki who asked me to write Logo Design Love).

There'll be an indexer and a proofreader added to the mix, too.

In addition, you've been sending me your tales of success and failure that I'm sure will inspire thousands of others who are starting and building their own design businesses.

(At the very least I'm going to credit all contributors both in the book and online.)

The first 10 chapters have been printed to PDF so we have an idea how the content will fit into the pre-assigned 216 pages. With chapters averaging 10 laid-out pages, and with the need to accommodate front and back matter (contents page, index, contributor credit, etc.), there's a slim chance some of the writing will be moved online as case studies on the blog or on the book website I've yet to launch.

Either way, the project's moving along nicely, and I'm indebted to those who shared stories.

It's not too late to get your business experience featured: Info for contributors.

A huge thanks to everyone involved.

Logo Design Love, the book

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