viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

From the reader #10

Guinness submarine bar

A Guinness-branded submarine bar. How about that?

Japanese manhole covers

These Japanese manhole covers are a step in the right direction. Via @JennyTheolin.

Smart people don't think others are stupid, by Derek Sivers. A post that got me thinking, with a comment from Derek Halpern that stood out (excerpted below). Via @DuaneKinsey.

"When it comes to being smart, as Susan Cain pointed out in her book Quiet, people often view 'first talkers' as smarter than people who sit back and contemplate. She then went on to explain how Harvard trains people to take fast, decisive action, which supposedly puts introverts at a disadvantage.

"Is it 'right?'

"Probably not.

"But people are people… and as long as people continue to have a bias towards those who talk first, there will always be people who take advantage of it.

"The key is to make sure you're not someone who's easily swayed by a first talker."

Bubble tent by Bubbletree

Bubble tents. Seems like you can stay in some in different spots in France, but how good would it be to have one near the poles, watching an aurora? Via ISO50.

Orman Clark's Classica theme for WordPress is a bit nice.

Advice that's not new, but clarified: Of course you should write like you speak.

Brooklyn Bridge painters 1914
Painters suspended on cables of the Brooklyn Bridge, on October 7, 1914. Eugene de Salignac.

Photos of old New York from the New York Municipal Archives. Some hand-picked gems on The Atlantic. Via Kottke.

Creative Review's Patrick Burgoyne asked if it's time to ditch the pitch. Interesting comment thread.

I like the illustrations Craighton Berman shares on his fueledbycoffee sketchblog.

Craighton Berman

Nice Things, a collection of design, illustration, typography and photo images collated by Luke Jones.

An insightful read about the state of journalism, by Stijn Debrouwere. Via Subtraction.

On referring to YouTube, Facebook, and a host of other companies mentioned in the article, Stijn said:

"It's not journalism. But you'd be naive if you thought their services aren't often consumed instead of news. It's the same kind of functionality in a different package, after all, and that new package happens to be rather attractive a lot of the time."

Previously: From the reader #9

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