viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

From the reader #13

Colin McSwiggen wrote an interesting article about Designing Culture. Here's an excerpt.

"Once you realize that all designed objects carry this sort of encrypted information about the organization of society, something amazing happens: you suddenly stop feeling bored in home furnishings stores. Washing machines and cooking implements have a lot to say about norms surrounding domestic labor; office trash cans embody the values of a middle class that can't deal with its own waste; alarm systems and porch lights offer a crash course in the popular phenomenology of crime. But these objects are not just passive representations of ideas about how society should run. They actively promote those ideas, validating certain prejudices and chastising us when our behavior deviates from certain norms."

Read the rest on Jacobin magazine. Via Social Design Notes.

There are two ways of writing. The second often works for me, too.

The Internet map. Wow. Via swissmiss.

Made by Hand / No 4 The Cigar Shop (embedded). A gorgeously created short video. Via Chris Glass.

Also via Chris, this image of a coronal mass ejection (CME) on the sun, with earth to scale. Imagine that coming toward you at 900 miles per second.

A couple of posts from Photoshop Troll made me laugh. Via Moving Brands.

These concrete business cards are novel. Via @stylo_design.

Concrete business card

Minimal WordPress themes. swissmiss readers share some recommendations.

I like the "second thoughts" series from johnson banks. Here's one with Michael Bierut.

The Jonathan Ive quote generator (pictured below).

Jonathan Ive quote generator

Whatever your profession, don't walk, leap. And also from Seth's blog, what to do if you want to get paid for your freelance work.

Previously: From the reader #12

Logo Design Love, the book

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