viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

The Hobbit Trailer Is Here, Trumpeted By A Chorus Of Geekgasms!

The trailer for the first part of Peter Jackson's hugely-anticipated return to Middle Earth, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, has hit the internet shelves for everyone to get all excited over.

Unless, of course, you can't stand all that hairy toed adventure from pipe-smoking midgets.

Naturally, the trailer itself is over the jump of this article. This means we'll have some padding to do before then in an attempt to make you watch it on our site rather than somewhere else. This requires a paragraph to leave you 'hanging', willing you to click 'read more'. Please read more. It'll be worth it. We've noticed a link between The Hobbit and the terrible 80s He-Man film, The Masters Of The Universe.

In the trailer, you'll see Ian Holm as Bilbo, talking to Frodo, before we jump back in time where Bilbo Baggins was actually Martin Freeman, which is nice.

He then puts a stapler in some jelly.

Ian McKellen shows up as Gandalf, and then the swooping orchestrations start to force you into feeling like a buckle has been swashed or some nonsense.

Then, all the stars arrive, with Galadriel (Cate Blanchett) and some other all appearing in New Zealand, pretending it is some magical land of fairies and that little dude with the annoying voice arrived to mention his pwecious.

Just watch it yourself, alright?

But what's this about He-Man? Well, watching the trailer and seeing the big noses and acrylic hair, we couldn't help but get a reminder of the irritating Gwildor from the Masters Of The Universe film which starred Dolph Lundgren.

Look. Gwildor is a Hobbit!

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