viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

Singing Intruder Lets Coldplay’s Chris Martin Know What It Feels Like For The Rest Of Us

You know what it's like. You're minding your own business, doing absolutely nothing wrong and then, KAPOW! Some awful Coldplay song barges into your subconscious while being used as an aspirational bit on some dreary television show.

It simply isn't fair.

However, thanks to a singing intruder (there clearly should be more 'singing intruders'… it needs to be a 'thing'), Chris Martin now knows exactly what it is like for the rest of us poor, innocent, ear-having plebians.

According to various reports, the Coldplay frontweapon revealed how he had to chuck an intruder out of the garden of his family home that he shares with Gwyneth 'oh jeez, she's started singing too' Paltrow.

This warbling trespasser managed to get into Martin's garden and started singing Coldplay tracks to his pals who were stood outside the premises.


"I had a guy the other day who climbed over the gate of our house and started singing Coldplay songs to his friends on the street."

He added, showing what a dreadful control-freak bore he is:

"Listen, you're just not doing that right."

"He politely left. It was bordering on intrusion. Still, it's nice that people like the songs."

A proper celebrity would have attacked them with a shovel handle or sent armed guards to get the stun-guns out, but no, not beige Chris Martin. It's all Polite This and Excuse Me That.

What a grating loser.

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