viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

The Tumblr Trawler: Replace Ryan Goslings Face With Barack Obama & Gary Busey

Yes folks, it's not a festive edition of The Tumblr Trawler and let us tell you why not; Christmas is rubbish. It's especially rubbish when it comes to memes. Still, here's this week's trawl through the briney depths.

5. Replace Face: Want to see what Jason Statham, Danny Trejo & Donald Trump would look like as Russian Generals? Well, we would like to draw your attention to Replace Face.

4. OMG CATS IN SPACE: Is this really, really worth clicking on? We know you like cats and everything but do you really, really want to see a load of cats out in the blackness of space? OF COURSE YOU DO!

3. Feminist Ryan Gosling: Ryan Gosling's a good feminist guy and wants you to know it. He's been putting up pictures of himself quoting feminist theory. Oh… what? It's not actually him? Where's the appeal then?

2. Barack Obama <3s Gary Busey: Seriously, the most powerful man in the world just can't go anywhere without his good friend Barack Obama trying to tag along.

1. Nick Clegg Looking Sad: There's nothing we like to see more at Christmas time than an ineffectual politician with no backbone or discernable policies looking like someone's just kicked his cat. Here are some images of Nick Clegg having an absolutely awful time. Good.

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