miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Awesome Or Off-Putting: Austria’s Mysterious (UFO) Hole

Awesome or Off-Putting is a weekly delve into cryptozoology, ufology, aliens, medical marvels, scientific wonders, secret societies, government conspiracies, cults, ghosts, EVPs, ancient artifacts, strange facts, odd sightings or just the plain unexplainable.

There's a fact of life that polite society is loathe to admit. That fact is that sometimes Austrians enjoy staring intensely into deep holes for hours on end. Those deep holes being stared into come attached to all sorts of things,  mostly ostriches. Sometimes backyards.

In this case it's the latter. A mysterious 25?, perfectly round hole appeared in an Austrian man's backyard overnight. Speculation, as you might expect, is that it's a crashed UFO. If that's the case, it's a very small species that were flying the crashed craft.

We think it was most likely not of extra terrestrial origin, but that it was the Rescue Rangers crashing an out of control flying shoe box while they were on an Alps-vacation. And we shall unequivocally prove this hypothesis on the next page.

Farmer Franz Knoglinger was out looking for his cat recently, when he happened upon a deep hole on his land that hadn't been there the day before. It's a strange hole too, not Mel's Hole strange, but very weird just the same. It has a bottom, that much is sure. We know this because Knoglinger dropped a rock town there. It landed with a metallic clank.

The farmer ran some other easy tests, too. For instance, according to News.Discovery.com:

"Intrigued, Knoglinger used a rope to lower a magnet into the hole, and he concluded that whatever was at the bottom was metallic. This only deepened the puzzle, and soon the mystery drew local, national and, finally, international attention. Curiosity-seekers, geologists and UFO buffs flocked to the farm to see the hole for themselves. A buried UFO became a favorite explanation."

After the magnet Knoglinger called in a plumber who lowered a camera in an attempt to get a look at the thing. As the instrument approached the lodged body, it fizzled out. This has been attributed by some to electronic interference.

There are possible, super stupid and lame non-alien explanations as well, believe it or not. Some say an old forgotten wooden pillar finally deteriorated completely. Others think it's a malfunctioned bomb dropped during the big war. Yet others (read us) think it may be the most recent final resting place for Megatron, whatever that is. Probably an Egyptian deity or something.

Whatever is in the bottom of that hole, we just hope it's not emitting loads and loads of radiation. If it is – all the people flocking down there to stick their face in will come out looking a bit like aliens themselves.

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