miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

The Libertines Weren’t Just “Drug Taking Idiots” – They Were Tuneless Simpletons As Well

The bloke who used to be the drummer in The Libertines (no-one cares what his name is) is hoping that a new Libertines film called There Are No Innocent Bystanders will allow people see the band in a different light.

Of course, any right minded person will find out when the screenings are for this film and do us all a massive favour and burn down the screens and everyone in there, who have decided to watch this document of the world's biggest syphilitic nincompoops.

If there's one thing worse than Pete Doherty & Co, its the awful, awful, awful fans.

The Libertines drummer – Ringo or something – said:

"It's a bit of a love letter to the fans, but it will hopefully give people more of an understanding of what it means to be a Libertine and our group dynamics. When you say 'Libertine', a lot of people immediately think of Pete Doherty, drug-taking and Kate Moss instead of thinking of the music, and the camaraderie between us and the fans."

"The biggest misconception is that we're all a bunch of scally drug-taking idiots who are talentless and have no real love of music."

Aw, Ringo! That's not true! The biggest misconception was that people wanted The Libertines to NOT die in a horrible chip-pan fire.

Fact is, The Libertines were a despairingly beige, weak-wristed band of tuneless brats who were followed around by moldy-lunged fans with their roll-ups, rotting teeth, lifestyle tourism tattoos, faux-suicidal hipsterisms and, of course, a collection of truly terrible Libertines tattoos which were paid for by themselves in a bid to appear like the kind of person who actually met the band and got themselves 'branded' after a cod-guerrilla gig.

Either way, should absolutely everyone involved with this tawdry excuse for a band, die, no-one will really mind.

No. Honestly. We're not even joking now.

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