jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Batman: Dark Knight Rises Trailer Showcases Occupy Gotham City Movement

Dark Knight Rises or Batman 3. What are you calling it? Well, judging by the newly released trailer, you could justifiably call it Occupy Gotham. It is fair to say that Bruce Wayne is part of the 1%.

Wisely, Christopher Nolan & Co have decided to tap into the most polite civil unrest yet and, mercifully, thrown some supervillains at it because we demand explosions and people getting punched in the throat.

And, regrettably for us snarks, the film looks like it might be really great. There's a chance we'll still give it a bad review though, just to be contrarians.

As you know, joining the action this time round is Anne Hathaway as the becatsuited Selina Kyle (or Catwoman if you can't work out an insultingly obvious clue). She purrs into Batman's ear:

"You think this is going to last. There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all going to wonder how you ever thought how you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us."

If only the 99% were more prone to being leggy and attractive in skin-tight outfits. Practical, no… glamorous, yes.

Of course, Heath Ledger's Joker will take some beating, so Thomas Hardy will be gruffing it up as Bane. And as big gestures go, Bane's looks-awfully-like-a-terrorist-attack during a football game should sicken a few American stomachs. Oh, and you'll be supporting the Gotham Rogues, just in case you didn't know.

For hipsters, the trailer also show a little Joseph Gordon-Levitt, which is nice.

And so, we've all got to wait 'til July to see if it's going to be any good. Until then, we'll speculate how Bale's Batman is written out of this particular franchise and foist stupid Who Can Replace Christian Bale As Batman? lists upon you 'til we find something worthy to write.

Here's the trailer, poo-breath.

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