jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

George Michael’s Doctor Ruins Christmas For Everyone

You'll all be pleased to know that singer George Michael is making good progress as he recovers from a recent bout of pneumonia in Vienna.  That's good isn't it? He'll be cocking around the Christmas Tree in his giant house just in time to watch the Queen's speech, before driving off somewhere,  full of festive pot and making us all throw our paper hats into the fire in disgust.

The 48 year old singer fell ill in Austria last month and breathing difficulties meant he was stuck in intensive care, while you lot ate your selection boxes early and speculated about stuff that was none of your business.

Earlier in the week boyfriend Fadi Fawaz claimed the singer would be out of hospital by December 25th and suggested there was nothing to worry about.  So that's settled then isn't it?

BUT WAIT! It seems that although he's doing well, he may not be allowed home for Christmas.


It is. His spoilsport physician and ruiner of Christmas Christoph Zielinski said:

"[It's] something we are not in the position to decide. That is something that must be decided in consultation with the patient."


George was forced to postpone the rest of his Symphonica world tour after being stuck in hospital, but the real tragedy of this whole sorry situation is that those idiots from The Only Way is Essex have decided to release a horrific version 'Last Christmas'  knowing full well that George isn't well enough to run them over and give us all the best Christmas present EVER.

We were going to post TOWIE's video but after careful consideration we've decided not to as we're not complete bastards. Instead you can watch some really brilliant dancers from the 80?s get on the good foot to  'Last Christmas' and wish him a speedy recovery.

Look. No jokes. We actually mean it.

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