jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

Sean Kingston Wants You To Pester Him Constantly, Forever, Until He Eventually Snaps

Hey! Are you a big fan of Sean Kingston? Well, when you've finished taking a long, hard look at your depressing self and come to the realisation you don't deserve the glorious ears bestowed upon your tasteless skull, there's some news that may interest you!

Mr Sean Kingston of Popsville would like you, his clearly troubled fans, to pester him more.

That's right! He's requesting that, should you see him walkin' down the street (we could turn this into a joke, playing off a lyric from a famous song, but you twunts wouldn't get it because you spend all your time listening to Sean Kingston and other tween dross), you should totally stop him for a nice chat.

Kingston, when he's not careering into concrete bridges face-first, wants you to stop him when he's going about his business and ask him for an autograph.

In return, he'll thank you for your devotion.

That includes instances such as funerals, sexual health check-ups and having a poo. He doesn't mind. Stop him and talk at him.

You may even want to get into his private property and tell him how much you love him. He doesn't mind! He's more worried that you'll be too self-conscious to pally up with him.

He says:

"Humbleness is the most beautiful thing and I just want my fans to know that I'm humble and I love all of u guys!! Anytime yall meet me in… person… Airport, shows, mall etc… Don't be afraid or shy to come up to me and ask for pics or an autograph cause you all made me…"

Eventually, he'll snap and get one of his security to mangle your limbs, but until then, enjoy the Sean Kingston ride of a lifetime!

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