domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

"The best government in decades"

The current Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition government in the UK is, according to this article by Peter Oborne, "the best government for decades".

He may even believe it, in which case he is utterly mad, or he does not, in which case I have no time to read the output of pranksters.

Shame. This book, The Rise of the Political Class, by Oborne was good, if perhaps imperfect. Oborne is one of those writers, such as Sir Simon Jenkins, who can be insightful one minute, and write utter bollocks the next. Not that I am like that, of course, ahem.

I have tagged this item as "humour", just in case it was a spoof, or if Oborne has got his calendar wrong and thinks it is 1 April already.

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