sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

A fitting tribute to Alan Turing

Nature has just published a fantastic Alan Turing special issue commemorating 100 years since the birth of the artificial intelligence pioneer, code-breaker and mathematician.

It's a really wonderful edition, available to freely read online, and accompanied by a special podcast that talks to his biographer about Turing's famous 1936 paper on computable numbers, his contribution to cracking the German Enigma ciphers, and his thoughts on machine intelligence.

The articles in the issue are no less exciting and cover everything from Turning's impact on biology to a debate on whether the brain a good model for machine intelligence.

Essentially, stop whatever you're doing right now, take the phone off the hook, poor yourself a drop of something thought-provoking and enjoy.

Great stuff.

Link to Nature special issue on Alan Turing.

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