sábado, 3 de marzo de 2012

Snooki From Jersey Shore Has Learnt How To Reproduce

Just when you thought TV couldn't be dumbed down any more, something happens that makes you want to throw yourself into a river of rotting faeces. After all, we have been given the gift of reality TV and if a celeb can dance, ice-skate, get along with snakes and insects or doesn't mind being held captive in a claustrophobic house, there's a guarantee of some work for them.

With this genre gradually collapsing under the weight of its own stale format, we've been looking further afield to give us that dose of escapism and potential case of square eyes. Normally, we can only count on America for the imports of supersized portions and terrible Hollywood versions of classic cinema. But who could be mad at them? They gave us Jersey Shore!

Who doesn't love Jersey Shore? it's almost like it's the ultimate depiction of human behaviour. An anthropological trail through the lives of Jersey's 20-something mental deficients. However, one of the stars of the show, "Snooki" might have to hang up her partying stilettos because, if rumours are true, she's with child!

Never seen Jersey Shore and don't know what we're harping on about? To experience the hit MTV series that has now been shipped over to the UK, just visit your local town or city centre whilst sober on a Friday or Saturday night and prepare for despair. According to MTV, this is what we want to see, even though politicians have been long calling for bans on the so-called glamourising of booze and it effects.

In America, Snooki is known as a "Guidette." Supposedly, this is a slang term for working class American-Italians but this term has now been morphed and warped into something more apt and modern that fits in with the modern day Guidette. Just like ourselves, people tend to see them as loud, annoying and a general mess thanks to that fake tanned mahogany brown look they all pull. That's a look not confined to girls.

To us, all of the people featured in Jersey Shore have been long milking their supposed fame of simply getting blitzed for our amusement. With spin off series seeing them shifted to Italy in a dire attempt to let them try and discover their true Italian heritage, it seems that the end is nigh for the cast who'll end up working in a dodgy garage and fleece you when your MOT is due.

So a child is a beautiful thing that will no doubt delight the mother? We're not totally convinced on that as she'll probably use it as a fashion accessory. But most importantly, for money! Well, according to reports, they say:

"Snooki, who has remained quiet about the rumoured pregnancy on her Twitter page, has arranged a deal with US Weekly magazine to break the news."

But, in a twist that will excite nobody, she might have been telling fibs about the whole pregnancy thing. In an interview with Good Morning America earlier this month, Snooki said:

"I definitely do want kids, but I'm not pregnant. Being pregnant should be a real thing and a happy thing, and I'm not."

A real thing? As opposed to a nine month pregnancy simulator game? We'll leave that with her and see what happens in nine months time.

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