viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

Justin Bieber’s Baby Haver Still Won’t Give Up Her Fight

Spare a thought for Justin Bieber this Christmas won't you? It's not because he's can't reach high shelves and get to his presents early. Instead, he's still got mentalist stalker Mariah Yeater claiming that he leaked some sperm inside of her and created a baby.

Instead of this matter being kept private due to its libel claim, it's great to know that Mariah Yeater has become something of a minor celebrity out of the whole ordeal. With various magazine and TV interviews, the money Yeater received will probably be used to pay damages towards Bieber when the negative result comes back on the DNA test.

Even though there are more holes in Mariah Yeater's story than a blind cowboy, she's back again to protest how she's the innocent victim in all of this. Tristyn , the stupidly named child in question will be able to tell all its classmates in the future that he has a mentalist for a mother. We should say 'allegedly' now. Allegedly at absolutely everything.

The story reads for the perfect episode of daytime trash TV where bickering couples call each other names. In one corner, we have Mariah Yeater who is a young unemployed single mum. Ouch, she has nothing going for her at all does she? Opposing her is Justin Bieber, a young Canadian singing foetus who has made a fortune from swindling young girls into buying his music.

It makes for some sort of sinister Disney film doesn't it? So far, we're at the midpoint of the movie where we're under the impression that romance is dead. The father is out the picture and the mother is left on her own to look after a child with no money. Will it result in a happy ending and the couple being united as one? Probably not, in an interview with Mariah Yeater she was asked if Bieber was the father and she responded by saying:

"I do believe he is the father."

Yeater is either trying her hand at being a cracking pun writer, or she has realised that she doesn't know who put their penis inside of her. If she'd used a better choice of words such as "I know that he wriggled around inside of me and released his seed," then her claim would have more weight to it.

How about the supposed father Robbie Powell who has publicly stated that the child was his? In a weird baby three way, Powell has signalled that he wants to donate most of his earnings/state handouts to the child, where Bieber wouldn't give a penny. Easily deflecting this question when asking, Yeater said:

"Yes, I know him. He is not the father and he's locked up and out of the picture."

Locked up? It seems that Bieber really is dealing with some sort of psycho who'll even do bad stuff to those who dare speak out against her. We don't know… is she's some sort of BDSM practiser, or "she mentally blocked him from her mind," and we don't want to either. It seems that the proceedings in this case have been delayed by the Bieber camp. A lawyer for Yeater said:

"Bieber's counsel has not provided me documentation supporting that the DNA test occurred."

Hopefully a decision will be announced soon. Then the next single teenage girl can come along and start the process all over again.

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