miércoles, 14 de marzo de 2012

Joan Collins Wants To Burn Your Jeans

Joan Collins, a woman who has traded on looking like a glamorous ghost for the past 20 years, not to mention being the campest of all bitchy gay men, is opening her mouth again and spouting advice.

What important, world-harming event is she looking at now?

Jeans. That's right, denim. Massively important stuff. Not just any ol' jeans. She's looking at jeans that sport the legs of women in their forties!

Collins thinks that women in their forties should not wear jeans. The 78 year old Joan is totally allowed though because she believes that she can get away with wearing denim as she is among a select few who can pull off the look.

The look in this case being 'Mutton Dressed As A Kebab'.

She miaowed:

"Frankly, [wearing jeans] just makes everyone look the same. One of the things about being glamorous is that you have to find your own look.

"If you must wear jeans, which are rarely glamorous in women over 40, wear dark blue or black and pair them with t-shirts that are fitted or jackets that are classically cut.

Jesus wept. She's describing a style nightmare. She's not finished though.

"A lot of the best dressed [older women] have defined their look. My advice is to find a style that suits you and stick to it."

In the past, she's advised that women shouldn't wear "pussy pelments" past the age of 35 and that hair extensions are "fine" to wear. And fake tan?

"Fine, as long as it's not on your face."

So there you have it. If you're over 40 years of age, you are not allowed to wear short skirts or jeans, but your are allowed to have a milky white face and a bronze coloured arse.


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