viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Kim Kardashian, Surprisingly, Doesn’t Listen To People

Kim Kardashian. She's not the sharpest hose in the shed is she? Berated recently by Daniel Craig and That Bloke From Mad Men… even slated by Jason Statham who is about as useful as a condom made of steam, Kim's critics are plentiful.

So it is of little surprise that Kimmy Kimya Kim K doesn't really like to listen to people.

In fact, this I'M NOT LISTENING thing carries as far (or near) as her family. Just imagine switching off every time Mama Jenner starts talking. Hard to imagine, eh?

So why didn't Kim listen to her family when they raised their concerns about her imminent and short marriage to Kris 'Crying Into His Gym Knickers' Jeffries?

Talking to all of Jay Leno's massive face, she said:

"I'm a person, when I'm in love, you can't tell me anything. And you gotta go through it yourself. So, I did what I believed in doing, and sometimes you don't want to hear what your family has to say."

"You look back and you're like, 'OK, that was a sign,' or, you know, 'Maybe I should have listened to them.' But, I wouldn't have been who I am today had I not gone through that."

The person she is today is roughly exactly the same as the person she was before she got married for 40 seconds.

It really is easy to sneer and hoot at a Kardashian. They've got the cameras whirring around them all the time. Of course they're hamming it up! WAITWHATSTHIS?

"I truly, honestly believe it would have been the same thing [had the cameras not been around]. We are exactly who we are, whether the cameras are on or off, and that's why I love my family so much. What you see is what you get. I showed my life and the reality of my life and it might not be pretty all the time, but it's who I am and I learned so much from it."

Aye, y'bollocks.

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