jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Malawi Now Thoroughly Sick Of Madonna

Now that Jesus, Lady Diana and Mother Teresa are all dead (yes, yes, they still live on in our hearts), a variety of celebrities have tried to step up to the plate and save the world from itself. How incredibly noble and altruistic of them.

We've got Bono glaring at famine, Geldof glaring at famine, Wogan hiding behind a teddy with one-eye, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie trying to adopt every child on Earth and Madonna… well… pestering Malawi.

And Malawi is, quite frankly, sick of her sticking her oar in.

Madonna's latest attempt to out-smug His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama isn't going down to well with the government in Malawi.

After Madge stole… sorry… adopted two children from the African country, she's been obsessed by the place. And now, she's decided to build 10 schools there. The only problem is, is that she's not actually asked anyone if that's okay.

Typical Westerner, going over to Africa and treating it like they own the whole continent.

Malawi's Ministry of Education spokeswoman Lindiwe Chide said the government is "fed up" with Madonna and her plans.

"Now she decides to announce that she plans to build 10 schools without getting authority from us again. We now feel like this is all about propping up her global image and not in our interest."

"She has no mandate to decide where she wants to build a school because she doesn't know our needs and where we want new schools… she first needed to consult us, get permission from us before doing anything."

But has Malawi done a Super Bowl halftime show and had a guestspot from Ali G in one of their music videos? We think not.

As such, we're taking neither side. We hate everybody.

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