viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Marvel Release Yet Another Avengers Trailer; What Have We Learned?

In what could be seen as fantastic timing, in that it comes very soon after the news that Marvel's Summer blockbuster The Avengers will be renamed the nonsensical 'Avengers Assemble', another trailer for the film has been released, culminating in the updated title. Just for you.

It seems like all that this trailer has done is shown us what we've already seen: in that we see the main characters coming together to fight a common foe, but not before turning against each other for a quick fight, in true comic book style. There's Captain America throwing fists with Thor and Black Widow taking on Hawkeye. Which is great, seeing Scarlett Johansson finally doing something after the slow start that we got in Iron Man 2: Iron Madder (not really) but that's sort of besides the point.

It's a common tradition in comic books for two teams to have a bit of a barney with one another before finally joining forces for the greater good and vanquishing the foe, so that's not that surprising, it is written by big comicky guy Joss Whedon after all. That being said, we do learn a few new things. Which you can see by clicking this sexy little link just under here. See it? It says 'Continue Reading' so why don't you?

Thing We've Learned 1 – Maria Hill

Turns out that the character that we'd all forgotten about, Maria Hill, played by Cobie Smulders, has decided to show her face for more than half a second or so, and is seen talking to Clark Gregg. Fantastic. There's nothing else that we can say apart from she wears a headset, like what Britney Spears used to so she tell us all she was about to dance.

Thing We've Learned 2 – HULK SMASH!

The Hulk likes to smash things, we get it, but in a move that seems to be an analogy of everyone going on at Scarlet Johansson after all that boobie baring business, we see the Hulk chasing Johansson along what looks like a bus stop. See. There can be hidden meanings in things.

Thing We've Learned 3 – Tony Stark doesn't play well with others

Robert Downey has said it in every trailer so far. It'd make sense if we saw him snatching Captain America's biscuits away from him. Or complained about being an only child.

Thing We've Learned 4 – FIN FANG FOOOOOM!

That flying metal worm that takes out that skyscraper's staff room at the very end of the trailer? It's not Debra Meaden apparently. Rumour has it that's it's actually Fin Fang Foom. That blank expression on your face kind of says it all. Foom is a major Iron Man villain that has some extra-terrestrial origin that links him to Iron Man's most famous enemy, The Mandarin. He's basically a big dragon alien that has some beef with Tony Stark. It could also be a brand new creation that Whedon has created for the film.

So how's that? Four things to impress random people on the Tube with. Why not have a gander at the trailer below. Everyone else has.

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