viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012

Pop Promos: Living Memes And Bad Haircuts

We go on the internet, sometimes, and this week we've been seeing lots of people 'Tweeting' about various musical videos which we intended to talk to you about, but we can't seem to find them. Instead we're hung up on the Hulk Hogan sex tape.

It does seem that lots of people have been doing things though and we're not entirely sure when any of them found the time; between joining dross festival line-ups and announcing two-bit world tours, who has the time?

The Arctic Monkey's, who the hell do they think they are releasing a steady stream of music like its 2004 all over again. Shall we watch some videos?

Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (Christ) are doing a new mix-tape—how retro—and it has all the people in the world on it that you might possibly be bored of now, but together.

For their video they have took the opportunity to go all Marshall Mathers about it and tell something known as a story.

The main way they do this is by superimposing Tyler, The Creator's head on a baby.

It's disgusting.

How's that slow rap working out for you? Yeah, that medication that white trash lady is taking looks pretty good right about now, huh? One day OFWGTA and their collective of 'people' might transcend their status as 'relevant' but until then we shall continue.

Bloody hell Paul Weller is still alive and still hasn't changed his hair style and he has a new video out. A genuinely very good video for a rubbish song, but still a rather wonderful video full of naked ladies which we can't show you because it's not on YouTube because of all the naked ladies getting people in trouble at work. Congrats Paul on the good marketing and the strategic use of naked ladies. If you want to know what it's like then imagine you were staring at the windows media play visualisations for three minutes except with breasts all over them. Lovely. If you want you can watch it through clicking on this superbly embedded link.

Here is a video we can show you, it's by a band called Beirut.

Now, we're fairly certain that Beirut were an 80's hair metal band from Europe that sounded a bit like, well, Europe, but this indicates otherwise. This is indie music, you can tell by the black and white video and the moustaches. It is quite nice if you like that sort of thing, but it's probably not loud enough to drown out the youngsters discussing the 'fit blokes' on the bus with a mouthful of something that smells like feet.

The video, which we're here to talk about, is good though. You can't really go wrong with a war video. Men in uniform, check. Ladies dancing, check. Alcohol rations, check. Atmosphere, check. Never mind all that though, because, by Christ, OK GO are at it again with a video that apparently took then 4 months to set up.

You heard. 4 MONTHS TO JUST SET UP. Eurgh, it's probably really good and everything. Here, you watch it and tell us what we're too stubborn to give into.

Was it amazing? It was amazing wasn't it?

Ignoring that and moving on we're now going to watch a video by an artist we thoroughly enjoy and are excited to hear more of. She didn't win that BBC Introducing poll thing that happens, however she was the only decent artist nominated. No, it's not Adele you bloody heathen, it's Lianne La Havas.

Not bad though, eh? She has lovely hair and the voice of an angel and on top of that—what more could you want? She wears some questionable items of clothing like the true star she is destined to become. Yes, that top does look like a motherboard, what of it?

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