martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Awesome or Off-Putting: Gray Ghost Sits On A Baby’s Chest

Awesome or Off-Putting is a weekly delve into cryptozoology, ufology, aliens, medical marvels, scientific wonders, secret societies, government conspiracies, cults, ghosts, EVPs, ancient artifacts, strange facts, odd sightings or just the plain unexplainable.

Any haunting aficionado will tell you that there are three main kinds of ghosts; those of Christmas past, those of Christmas present & Stay Puft Marshmallow men. Occasionally, however, a fourth kind of ghost pops up.

This is the kind that haunts into children's rooms in the middle of the night, sits on their chests & gabs about their ghostly day so long the poor kids end up sleeping in their finger paint by noon next day.

A spooky and specific account of this type is waiting for you after the jump.

Do you believe in ghosts? Other than the types that sit with you at pottery wheels, we mean. If ghosts were only blood thirsty, dead Patrick Swayzes seeking to kill all those who would Harm Demi Moore, the Demi-indifferent of us would probably be OK with them.

Unfortunately according to some, ghosts can be far more nefarious. Like that Michael Jackson ghost that materialized on stage at an African elementary school talent show or whatever. What a terror that one was! And sometimes ghosts appear entire cities at a time. Detroit, for example.

The really spooky ghosts, though, are the ones that saunter into your room and sit on your chest. Once they've got you thus restrained, they become chatty Cathies. If you've never heard of this before – it (or something like it) is often called Old Hag Syndrome.

This one is slightly different, however, because it includes the old gray ghost of a man. The aged spectre spends his nights in the room of a five year old boy – sitting on the lad's chest as we mentioned before.

The Daily Mail has the dirt:

"A father has told how his five-year-old son claims he has been troubled by visions of a ghostly man with grey skin who speaks to him in the night. Dave Gerrity, 41, said his son Dagan first complained about seeing something in his bedroom in the family's Bridlington home around six months ago. Mr Gerrity said: 'Dagan is scared about it. He cries about it. He's told us that at night he can't sleep because a man with grey skin comes and sits on his bed and keeps him awake talking to him.

"The first time it happened, Dagan's mum Emma and I heard him crying on the baby monitor. I went up to him and he was just crying his eyes out. At first I thought it was just his imagination, or he had had a bad dream. Of course you never expect this kind of thing to be true, I've never believed in this kind of thing before. But there's no denying it now. There have been times when we've been in the room with him and we see him looking up into the corner of the room and speaking."

To us it really doesn't sound so bad, but that probably depends on the topic of the night. Like if that ghost-guy was an accountant in life and he kept asking questions about our W-2, well we'd likely be tempted to join him on that side. If he wanted to talk about why John Locke should have won Lost, now that's something we'd probably be able to live with.

We wish that family all the best, though. And we recommend they call Dan Aykroyd to see if he can't suck the ghost up with a backpack vacuum.

Advice, after all, is all we have to give.

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