sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Is Justin Bieber Harvesting The Organs Of Children?

There's always been something incredibly sinister about Justin Bieber. Anyone who is paraded around like a prepubescent monkey eunuch should fill any right-minded person with the dread of a thousand bailiffs.

The very fact no-one seems to mind a performing menstrual period is of great concern, especially given that Bieber is clearly using his power for unspeakable evil.

Like what? Well, at the wave of his nailless foetal hand, it appears that the world's young are donating their organs. Oooh, the horror!

Bieber is getting credit for a recent spike in organ donor registrations. Some dweebs called The Trillium Gift of Life Network have noted that, since JB answered a plea made by Helene Campbell, who's awaiting for a lung transplant, more than 1,200 people have registered online for donation.

Bieber's Twitter exchange with Campbell (username @alungstory) started off with the usual annoying charitable plea from a pleb to a sleb, before Justin took the sob story on and shared it with his trillion followers.

He then started tweeting about how people really should donate their organs.

However, no-one is that altruistic and we suspect that Bieber is using the organs for himself, after his young fans presumably donated them while they were still alive, cutting out their kidneys and such with Hello Kitty safety scissors and plopping them through his letter box.

And if our thoughts that Bieber is actually an illuminati goon are true, then we can only assume that he's using the organs for nefarious purposes.

If indeed, Bieber is an illuminati lookalike, then there's a chance that the singer is actually in his 40s and is gorging on tween organs in a bid to stay youthful. We have all noticed that he's looking older than he used to and this fiendish scheme is clearly not working.

Spread the word. There's a new devil among us.

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