jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Mick Jagger Hates David Cameron But Likes Counting Beans

Mick Jagger, a man with a face like a thousand ballsacks, is no political football! Nosiree! He doesn't like to be aligned to any party, mainly because he knows that its not in his interests to side with anyone, lest he lose a bunch of fans.

With that, he doesn't like Prime Minister David Cameron trying to rim him for public favour.

See, Davey Boy Cameron invited Mick Jagger (with all that swagger, whatever that means these days) to an event in Switzerland. The event was about economics. Or, if you prefer, everyone out there was opening bank accounts so they don't have to pay their taxes. That's precisely what was going on.

And what was this event called?

No, is wasn't called 'Posh Gits Learn How To Hide Penniesfest'. Rather, the Rolling Stones frontman was invited to join Cameron at the Great British Tea Party in Davos.

Yes. Apparently there's a place called Davos. Isn't that a Doctor Who baddie or something? Don't tell us. We honestly couldn't care less.

Anyway, this event was (apparently) aimed at boosting foreign investment in the country ahead of the 2012 London Olympics, but Jagger decided against going to it when news of his appearance was leaked to the media.

In a statement, Jagger admitted that he was looking forward to attending the economics summit, but refuses to be used as a puppet for the Conservative Party.

He ranted:

"I came to Davos as a guest, as I thought it would be stimulating… I have always been interested in economics and world events (but) I now find myself being used as a political football and there has been a lot of comment about my political allegiances which are inaccurate. I think it's best I decline the invitation to the key event and curtail my visit."

Basically, he doesn't want everyone finding out that, despite being liberal of mind, he's probably a bit right-wing because the Tories look after his money better.


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