sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

George Clooney Desperately Jonesing For Olympic Freebies In Interviews

The good looking version of Herman Munster, George Clooney, has used his charm to get a lot of things in his life. If you believe the rumours, his charm has worked best on throwing people off the scent that he might be gay.

We've no idea if he's gay or not and don't rightly care. That's because he's a massive slag either way.

How so? Well, what happened to you when you found out you didn't get tickets for some stupid event at the London 2012 Olympics? You basically looked into your lap, dejectedly, and thought 'that's that then'. Clooney is a star though. He can slag it up in the media asking for a freebie.

See, George Clooney is desperate to attend this year's London Olympics. So much so that he's enthusing about the world's third biggest sports event (after The FIFA World Cup and Summer Slam) coming to the English capital as he loves visiting soooooo much. London's just wonderful, eh George! Best place on Earth eh?

Lying slag.

Alas, he's not been able to get any tickets, leaving him begging for some from The Sun:

"I think it's fantastic that the Olympics are coming to London. I think you should always try to take politics out of sport and the London bid did that."

"Track and field is something that I really want to come back and see if I can get some tickets. I'm a big fan of London. There are only a handful of great cities in the world and it's one of them."

Only an American tourist could ever call London a 'great city'.

He's obviously never been on a night bus with a drunk lunatic or had to endure actual London residence, with their inflated sense of worth and B.O. brought on by scurrying around the Tube like rodents.

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