jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Trailer Park: A Look At The New Film Releases

Plot holes! Popcorn! If you hadn't guessed, hecklerspray is venturing into the world of film criticism and, as awards season rolls around again with all the depressing monotony of Madonna trying her best to make a movie, we couldn't have picked a better time to start.

We've already seen The Golden Globes pass by like a bus that couldn't be bothered to hit anyone and The London Critics Circle had an altogether more serious affair for the 'proper' films; they'll be the ones you never saw while you were queuing for tickets to The Inbetweeners Movie.

Now though it's time for that decrepit golden man to bestow some acclaim on some people who really don't need anymore; enter Oscar. In other words – let us look at new trailers for new films.

The nominations have been announced to massive sighs from just about everyone other than Michael Hazantthisfilmbeentalkedaboutenoughalreadyvicius who's silent film The Artist is quickly rising from 'underdog' to "Oh my god this is, like, totally amazing and deserving of everything thrown its way," favourite.

The uncouth Frenchman couldn't even be bothered to write dialogue and still has a chance of winning best screenplay; will someone alert the academy? They're probably all so old they didn't even notice.

If you're one of those run of the mill: "This Orange Wednesday thing is pretty ground breaking," type people then you will never have heard of Albert Nobbs which is perfectly fine because it's not going to win either of the three awards it's nominated for and it can disappear blissfully back into obscurity. While we're here though may as well watch the trailer, eh?

As far as we can tell it's about a gender politics in a bygone era where everybody didn't really get 'round to shouting HAVE YOU SEEN GLENN CLOSE'S FACE?

Elsewhere, one of the most bizarre decisions was to nominate Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close for best picture, being that nobody really knows or cares anything about it; especially in this country where the marketing campaign is only just getting going.

It has a young wide-eyed boy, Tom Hanks laughing, Sandra Bullock doing 'the look', and Max Von Sydow giving Christopher Plummer a run for his money in the old stakes. It's about 9/11 and pretty much says "This is going to be more epic than Epic Movie". It also has this:

And now, over to The Help which has a butt-load of nominations.

Hark! A film that tackles racism by succumbing to every lousy racial stereotype there is!

Obviously many other films were nominated for something or other this year and Michael Fassbender's penis was Shame(fully) ignored. We think Chris Nolan is going to surprise win all the categories despite the scandalous underrepresentation of all the films he didn't make this year.

It's disheartening how much that woman isn't Michelle Rodriguez.

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