sábado, 28 de enero de 2012

Michael Jackson’s Glee Episode Is Imminent (Don’t Let Him In A School!)

Americans have loads of stuff that's essentially just for them, but occasionally seeps into the cultural mindset of others. Even though its just rounders for men, they call it the "world series" even though only American teams compete.

Then there's the general extra injection of happiness and excitement that all Americans possess. Even going to the toilet to expel waste results in over enthusiastic whoops, screams and cheers, almost like they've passed a sparkly stool.

TV is, sometimes, America's best export. But then again, this is the same nation that still churns out The Simpsons despite all its charm vanishing years ago. One giant success is Glee, even though it is essentially a TV version of High School Musical, but even more sweet and sickly. And the series is about to broadcast a tribute Michael Jackson episode. What could possibly go wrong?

Now, we don't really want to bring this up, but if memory serves, there were a few incidents during Michael Jackson's career where he was accused of being slightly inappropriate with children. Not by accidentally swearing in front of an infant, rather, he was accused of committing the last taboo – having a fiddle with a tot.

That made him bad, dangerous and totally off the wall when the world found out.

But who are we to accuse someone of a crime they didn't commit? After all, not one, but two separate juries let him off all charges brought against him. Hooray! We're sure he Michael Jackson celebrated with a Jesus Juice party inside a tree house. Of course we still make jokes about it, but then again, Michael Jackson fans are no better.

They're still baying for the blood of 'Sexy' Dr. Conrad Murray. Nobody ever overlooks the fact that Jackson was a known addict to industrial strength drugs. And poor 'Sexy' Conrad was convicted of his manslaughter as he was the provider of said drugs. Great to Team Jackson – Jermaine, Tito, Randy and Janet all involved in the process of trying to save their brother. Not La Toya though. She's too mental to care.

With the world more or less over the death of the pop star, there's still another way for the Jackson estate to bore us about his career and see a mini surge in sales.

On January 31st, an episode will premiere featuring a bucket load of songs which will be praised by fans of the show and hated by Michael Jackon nutcases, who'll be angered that someone dared emulate their hero. A teaser trailer has been released to promote the episode. LOOK:

This will all be interspliced with the following storyline that we have no idea about. Even the hecklerspray phantom couldn't manage an episode:

"The rivalry between the New Directions and the Warblers intensifies en route to Regionals. Meanwhile, Kurt and Rachel receive news regarding their admissions process at NYADA, and things continue to heat up between Sam and Mercedes."

2-4-6-8, what do we appreciate? A large bottle of gin and backstreet fried chicken.

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