jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Downton Abbey Rip-Off Jewellery Has Made Julian Fellowes Very Angry Indeed!

Downton Abbey is great for many reasons: its faithful commitment to anachronism, its stringent adhesion to the patriarchal values of an aristocratic class that should by all rights be extinct and, of course, all the lovely shiny things. 

If you're a magpie, or a viewer in possession of a lower than average IQ, you probably spent the heavily-ad-breaked episodes of Downton thinking only of the shiny things, whilst occasionally wondering how Michelle Dockery keeps her face so very, very immobile.

Well, guess what, stupid magpie folk: you can buy replicas of all the shiny things you saw on those ass-kicking Edwardian heroines! From a knotted pearl necklace (quiet at the back) as modelled by Lavinia before she died the lamest death ever, to Lady Sybil's token feminist gesture earrings, it's all here! There's also a cloche hat, for if you like Downton but also take fashion cues from Notting Hill circa 2005. Oh, and a teapot and mug set.

The collection isn't actually licensed by the Downton Machine Conglomerate (or Carnival Films, whatever), who got predictably sniffy about not making any profit from the collection.

Julian 'richer than Croesus' Fellowes was likely too furious to make any comment other than a strangled aristo sputter, so the production company said this:

"We did not authorise the sale of Lady Mary jewellery. Our lawyers have been in contact with PBS in order to remove these items from sale."

The items haven't been removed, but all mention of Downton characters has. Which is actually a good thing. You might think it romantic to buy your wife a Lady Mary or Lady Edith necklace, but what you're saying there is that she's either a cold bitch who'd fuck a Turkish diplomat to death, or a plain ginger who is destined to a lifetime of spinsterhood and put downs from Dame Maggie Smith.

Speaking of Dame Maggie, where's the Dowager Violet Hat and Cane set, eh? Ageist bastards.

This was written by Becca Day Preston with her own blood

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