sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

Christian Bale Stops Disgusting Tramps From Their Stinky Fighting

Christian Bale is like a real life Batman, by which we mean, he's a very wealthy man who can't stop meddling in people's business. First, he got bothered by some Chinese security while trying to visit some deaf bloke or something… and now, he's mucking about with vagrants!

See, two tramps started having a scrap and Bale wasn't having any of it!

Over Christmas (yeah, this is hot off the press!), the Batman star stepped in to break up a fight between two horrible pungent homeless men in California. Was he doing it for the good of those fighting? OF COURSE NOT.

See, the actor was shopping near his home in Brentwood, Los Angeles (hello stalkers! Yes indeed, Bale lives in Brentwood, LA, should you want to follow him around, dribbling on yourselves and fumbling in your trousers) when he spied two vagrants engaged in a heated altercation.

Alas, powered by meth or special-brew (or both if they had any class), the war of slurs escalated and Bale had to swoop in like some kind of nondescript superhero and intervene!

He told the odorous pillocks to take it elsewhere – away from all the non-stinky, home-having families that were enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

That's right! Not a care for the gruesome life of a hobo! Nice, middle class people were dry-heaving and wanted to enjoy the sanctity of civilisation. They're all idiots of course. They should've whipped out their smartphones and filmed it all. They would've had a YouTube smash on their hands, especially if they'd goaded one of the vagrants to try lamping Batman one.

An eyewitness said:

"I could not believe what I was seeing. It wasn't clear what the people were arguing about – but it soon became apparent that their conversation was heading toward a violent incident.

A 'violent incident'? Is that how people talk now? Anyway, they continued:

"One of the homeless guys cocked back his fist and was just about to strike the other man – but out of nowhere Christian Bale appeared and got in the middle of them! Christian acted like a referee and told the homeless men to take it elsewhere"

Insert your own 'KAPOW!' jokes.

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