domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

Watchmen 2 In The Works: Idiots Prepare To Make Electric Boogaloo Jokes

Anyone who's anyone who's anyone knows the importance that Watchmen had on the history of sequential art (which is a cockended way of saying 'comics').

It had boobies and swearing and violence, as well as a final twist that is consistently ranked as one of the greatest twists in fictional history; ranked after the Hungry Caterpillar eating an apple and not the eyes of a sleeping gentleman nearby but before O'Shaughnessy's antics in The Maltese Falcon.

We all love Watchmen, but what would you say if you found out that a sequel was in the works?

You'd be super-duper psyched wouldn't you? Imagine finding out what happened to the giant squid after it detonated in New York. Or what a giant throbbing blue phallus actually looks like. And whether it cumsquirts white stuff or something more…galactical

Some people don't want to know the answers to these terribly important questions and think that no one should touch Watchmen because it's some sort of Holy Bible for over-opinionated tossbags who don't want their "childhood raped" by the "monsters at DC Comics."

These people are what's commonly known in the business as "fanboy cunts."

Obviously it won't be as genre defining as the original. Additions to an already established story never work out well; just like at Tron: Legacy, Alien Resurrection, Matrix Reloaded, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier and any Oceans film after 5, but there is a chance that a novel spin on already established characters could be something special.

Imagine Quentin Tarantino writing the "You bitch, you cow" scene between Pat and Peggy in Eastenders.

Although nothing has been confirmed yet (for fear of Alan Moore's beard's retaliatory strikes), some art has leaked out across the internetwork showing more interpretations of characters like The Comedian (by JG Jones) and Nite Owl (by Joe and Andy Kubert). And because we love you much like a foetid rat nibbling at our Achilles tendon, you can even see them here. Don't say we don't give you anything. Because no one cares.

Neat, right?

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