viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Badvertising: BT Infinity Teaches Us About Fate

Pre-determination is something that the same fools who believe in superstition go in for in a big way. You might recognise it as fate or the 'thundering approach to emotional and financial oblivion'. If you believe in fate then you probably married the first person who ever gave you an orgasm and are now woefully unhappy, only able to console yourself by watching romantic comedies.

Even as you do so, you realise everything seems to work out well for the shining-faced Hollywood elite. That is despite their belief and reliance on exactly the same concept which has led you to a life of raised voices and thinly veiled hatred. Fate worked out okay for them, didn't it? Why not you?

Anyway, enough about your bitter, twisted existence.

You see, fate is a weapon which is used against you. From your formative years, you'll remember the fairy tales where the prince always met the beautiful princess and guess what: they lived happily ever after. It was never a case of boy meets girl, girl meets other boy and they all lived horribly ever after, only communicating through lawyers, was it? Their fates were mapped out and they knew that the person they ended up with would be "the one" for them. That's not just because royal families are notorious for marrying internally and producing offspring with webbed toes; it's because the fates are strong with these ones.

As you begin to grow up, you'll move onto "teen" things for "teens" and these are a little bit more angsty. You'll see people going through highly glossed break-ups and angry retribution because you're a teenager and this stuff is designed to fill you with the proper quotient of ire about the world you're forced to grow up in. "Why can't things be like they are in fairytales?" You'll post on your Tumblr (or your diary, depending on how old you are) but let's face it. Teen dramas always end with the two buff dickheads who broke up at the start getting back together or meeting their future spouses through their ex. There's always the suggestion of serendipity, even if your warped teenage mind can't get your head round it.

When you're older, you think you're wiser and you won't fall for silly things like fate but just wait until that person you quite fancied at school adds you on Facebook and you'll find yourself wondering 'what if'. You've been conditioned to believe in fate and pre-determination. That's why adverts have become so predictable.

Take this latest example of fuckwaddery from BT. Unable to tie 'the berk from My Family' down to a new contract, BT were forced to try and update THE GREATEST DRAMA OF OUR MODERN AGE without mentioning the fact that Whatsisface died in a horrifying Space Shuttle crash in the Adriatic Sea. They decided to go back to the start to when Whatsisname from My Family met Whoserface from other things by sending one of the irritating children to university. Presumably to study for a proper degree given that he'll never get another acting job after this (I'm willing to be proved wrong on that one).

You see, if you go back in time to the original advert, Thingy and Whozit meet through a completely serendipitous moment. Fast forward to 2012 and here's Young Whozit running into a girl who wants to live in the same flat as him. No looks are shared but you can tell where this is going.

There's not much to say about the advert itself. You can all see the sheer idiocy of the creepy 'geek' who has an interest in touching the bits of Young Whozit's future love and I'm quite sure you can visualise trying to make friends in your teenage years by talking about the speed of broadband (or dial-up… or fax machines… or how long it takes to dial a phone… or send a telegram). It's not something that marks you out as an interesting human being.

It does show that BT are going back to the start and the cycle of fortunate events will begin anew. The two will enjoy a blossoming romance, held together by a love of superfast broadband (which isn't superfast at all) while 'the geek' tries to ruin the blossoming romance by hilariously spiking the wrong person's drink on a night out. Or something. It doesn't matter. Four years down the line, you'll be at a wedding in the ad break for Britain's Got Talent and you'll wonder where the hell we all went wrong.

Is it their fault for relying on the same old bullshit to shift Broadband plans or is it yours for buying into it from childhood?

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