viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

From the reader #7

Land art

Land art. Intriguing. On Kuriositas.

The importance of a good crop. A nice visual demonstration of photo manipulation, and how you can use cropping to improve your photos. On ISO50.

"Instead of doing two jobs at 50%, or four jobs at 25%, just do one job at 100%."

Do one job properly. Dave Trott on why specialising is the way to go. On Dave Trott's blog.

Beautiful colour in this 60-second ad for Lurpak Butter (embedded below). Via Creative Review.

Typographic chocolate holiday gifts. Lunch time yet? Via inspire me now.

Uncloaking a slumlord conspiracy with social network analysis. Via Social Design Notes.

The TED imperatives apply to a much wider scope than TED alone. On Seth's Blog.

New York Magazine logo

If you're looking for a little design inspiration, the work section of Milton Glaser's new website is worth a browse. Site design outsourced to Ludlow Kingsley.

Mike Dempsey asked, "Who are you designing for? a. Your client. b. Other designers. c. Yourself." Richard of Ace Jet 170 replied, "None of the above. The customer, of course."

Eric Karjaluoto kicks-off his 2012 blogging efforts in upbeat fashion by sharing 10 of his favourite "big agency claims, promises, and bits of rhetoric… All of which manage to sound so very impressive, while meaning so astoundingly little." Read more Bullshit.

Here's a great video (below) of Herb Lubalin discussing the client requests that occurred when he designed the PBS logo. Via Brand New.

I'll finish with a solid quote from iA's Oliver Reichenstein.

"Don't let anyone tell you that you don't have the brain or time or will to learn and think and understand whatever the problem is. That's what the political and corporate charlatans want you to believe: They want you to be as ignorant as possible."

Previously: From the reader #6

Logo Design Love, the book

Related posts on David Airey dot com

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