miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Beyonce Talks About Her Stupid Baby And Jay Z Being Covered In Poo

Beyonce is, no doubt, about to fill her Facebook with pictures of her baby despite the fact it has no hair, can't talk, is probably doing a shit right now and essentially, is like every other baby on Earth. New parents are ghastly aren't they?

Worse still, is that people are constantly asking people how 'baby' is before launching into high-pitched squeaking and saying things like "Amoojieboobieboo? Schmookibaba? BABA? Boogliewoogiedoo? Awopbopaloobop alopbamboom!"

So now, Beyonce has given her first interview about Blue Ivy Carter (who recently became the youngest person to hit the Billboard chart apparently… we're not sure… didn't Stevie Wonder have a baby on Isn't She Lovely?) and she won't stop going on about it. She even talks about Jay Z being covered in faecal matter.

Speaking to Star magazine, Bey admitted:

"Nothing can describe the feeling. You have the instant connection once you know your child is growing inside you, but when you hold it for the first time, the words can't be found"

The words can't be found eh? Won't stop you releasing some awful, saccharine ballad about it all, will it?

When asked about J-Hova, Beyonce said:

"He would not have missed it for anything. He is a very protective and loyal guy by nature. He is a very protective husband, and since we found out I was pregnant I have seen the protective father in him. He is not only an inspirational artist, he is an inspirational husband. I know the next step on his journey is going to be being an inspirational father."

Jesus Christ! Have you heard yourself? It sounds like Beyonce swallowed a self-help tape during labour! And apparently, Jay won't be boxfresh, brushing his shoulder for long. He's going to be up to his famous neck in dung.

"He will change diapers, of course he will. He is going to be a very hands-on father. He has already said publicly that providing isn't love. Love is being there. Love is doing the little things for your child."

And, of course, not saying 'bitch' in songs. Still, if you're not annoying feminists, you're annoying hospital goers, right? Beyonce added:

"Security was very tight but not just for the sake of it. It was for the security of our daughter – that was always the most important thing and everybody involved made it such a safe and smooth process. As usual, certain things have been made up or exaggerated but that seemed to be the story of the pregnancy."


Either way, Beyonce is going to have to work twice-as-hard to bring back Sasha Fierce because, as well you know, new parents are nothing more than dewy-eyed, sentimental radishes, blushing at each skidmark and steady-vomit from their gurgling little berks.

We've lost her, haven't we?

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