viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Pop Promos: It’s Like The Worst Bits Of The 90s All Over Again

Pop promos! More of them! There's always new music being made. This is, of course, a good thing. It's also a really, truly awful thing. Some records come out and you just think 'why did you bother?'

Fame and fortune await the few, for the majority will forever be destined to be loved by the faithful dozen who, regrettably for the bands concerned, are not good looking enough to warrant regular sex.

And so, here's the new releases.

This is what the world of the singles chart looks like from inside a boredom vacuum, except that none of these songs will probably ever glance the chart.

You decide whether that's a good or bad thing.

And you've probably heard of Cloud Nothings. They're one of those bands that people talk about for the sake of tirelessly opening and closing their idiot faces. We think they probably liked 'grunge' when growing up and still wear stonewash jeans. However, unlike their grunge peers, this lot have already sold out to The Man, who is in this case, is Urban Outfitters.

Yes, that pretentiously bad video was something to do with the idea that 'we want you all to think we've been to art school', when really, it looks like that bad scene in Gladiator where they make Russell Crowe float through some corn fields and into Rome.

Speaking of '90s revivalism, here's a really crap advert signalling the return of Garbage.

Fighting the status quo of the cultural cataclysm that is New Boring is the one and only original Old Boring. That's right! Feeder are back again with their impressively awful lyrics and archetypal quiet-loud dross.

Away from all that ninetiesness, the 'Him' of unpopular tweetards 'She and Him' has made some music. You want to hate it and why wouldn't you? He wears sunglasses and suits and more importantly he's friends with retro edition Barbie Zooey Deschanel.

Sadly he got someone infinitely cooler than himself, a man called Joe Trussell, to animate the video for him and it looks  just great.

Now sod off.

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