jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Shiny Shiny and Tech Digest are GUINNESS WORLD RECORD BREAKERS! WOO!


A few weeks ago Shiny Shiny and our sister site Tech Digest went along to the Liverpool Street Station and played around with the world's largest NES game controller. We were competing to beat a world Tetris record and really really tried our bestest. But, as it was our first time using the huge NES we didn't think there'd be much chance of us actually breaking a Guinness World Record...

But look, look! Myself (Becca) and Tech Digest editor Gerald Lynch now hold the record for the "Highest score on Tetris (Nintendo, 1986) for a team of two."! Well, if you needed any more proof that we're just a pair of geeks, there it is...

"The highest score achieved by a team of two sharing one controller on Tetris (Nintendo, 1986) is 23,552, achieved by Becca Caddy and Gerald Lynch (both UK) at the launch of Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2012 at Liverpool Street Station, London, UK, on 18 January 2011," confirmed the record tracking team today.

But just remember, as if testing our dexterous digits wasn't enough, the Shiny team broke the record using the world's biggest NES controller, which measured a whopping 12ft x 5ft 3 in x 1ft 8 in.

Out now, the Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2012 is available from all good bookstores. And some rubbish ones too!

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