miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

Sinead O’Connor Is Back With Her Husband. Again.

Good news! After a month of torrential rain, uncharted deceit to our own promises to ourselves, the big N-Dubz split, and the bit in the Lana Del Ray SNL performance where she momentarily went through male puberty, January is finally ending – and on a high. Sinead O Connor's back with her lovely hub! Hurrah!

Righto so first things first, before you start YAPPING…


Doesn't Sinead O Connor's husband look quite a lot like Celia Imrie from Calendar Girls?


Anyway, okay. So Sinead O Connor, or 'terminally depressed Sinead O Connor' as she's masquerading as these days, (Lol, pop musicians and their wacky transformations, eh?) is back again with her husband, who is called Barry, if you can believe such a thing.

By our reckoning, that's around three times they've split and got back together in the space of seven weeks of 'owly madrimunny now, splitting on Boxing Day last year, then getting back together earlier on this month. Then doing all of that again, and now here we are. Not looking great, is it? Some deeply rooted Freudian issues to sift through there guys.

She thinks that's bad! We're packing our husband's suitcase whilst sobbing into a measuring jug of cognac every Saturday night!

HAHAHA. Kate Thornton will be telling that to her ant farm tomorrow morning, make no mistake.

Oh right, yeah Sinead O Connor. Well that's basically it, to be honest.

What do you want from us? HAHA, a source? Bloody hell – someone grew up in a semi-detatched three bedroom house didn't they? Alright fine. Here are some choice quotes from Sinead O Connor's Twitter, (which she CLEARLY shouldn't be allowed to have) that may have perhaps given us some inkling.

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