miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

Skins Review: The Misery Of Episode Two

It's a brand new week, scum buckets, and to start the downward decline is a brand spanking new episode of Skins and boy oh boy is it miserable this time around! Are you lucky?

First, let's get real for a moment folks. This is the second episode, so they have to bring out the big guns now that everyone's back in boring old Bristol and not some country that bristles with sexual heat, so of course, the writers needed to make an episode that tackles the burning issues—as long as something is hotter than fire we're all happy right?

Of course there were parties and of course there was sex there was even some minimal drug use, but who isn't rocking a casual line of coke these days. Where was the hard liquor though? We all remember the days when a bottle of vodka lasted for one quick swig, but now it seems everything's a little too melancholy for anything stronger than a can of lager. It's so down in the dumps this week that Phil Collins made the soundtrack when not even rain was in the air. These writers need to get their shit together and go on a rollercoaster or something.

This week it was Rich's turn for the spotlight as he went bat-shit mental dreaming about his dead girlfriend—if you haven't watched it yet then that right there is what we in the biz like to call a spoiler. Yeah Grace is dead now, they went to Switzerland and everything because it's okay to euthanise (MURDER) people there. We told you there were issues. Though we're not really sure how it tackles them in any way whatsoever, it sort of just waved at it from a passing car and said; "hey this is still a thing right? Guys?" it is indeed still a thing. Can you imagine a world where Skins solves the whole euthanasia argument because that makes us want to lethal inject our perfectly healthy bodies to death.

More in-keeping with you heathens and what proved so popular over the past five years, the show throws a party and really cleverly, they invite all their Facebook 'friends' to come and have an averagely good time while enjoying some mindless anarchy because, "that's what the kids are into now right?"

Let's all say this together…R I O T S.

See we told you there were issues, plural. Nobody can deny that's an issue, that's the sort of issue Skins can realistically grapple with and grapple it does. Except these upper class pritt sticks decide it's all just a bit of harmless fun and wear their headache inducing clothes to a massive mansion to indulge in the meagre activities of the plebians. They're all scum buckets who can't even cry on cue so they just eat biscuits instead. If anybody offers you a biscuit when you're sad that your friend is in a coma, you have our authority to crumble that bourbon up and put it in their hair. They probably love their precious hair. Dicks.

Then set fire to their faces and send them to Switzerland.

So it's all a little sad this week, you might have even cried if you're a pansy, but what we all really learnt is that you should never treat your phone like Rich does because it totally ruins the illusion of speaking to your dead girlfriend. Maybe the real issue the writers were tackling this week was insanity; there are just too many bloody layers for us all to wrap our heads around. These people are geniuses in the guise of tossers that's what we think and you should too if you know what's good for you.

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