viernes, 3 de febrero de 2012

Super Bowl 2012: Top Ten Big Game Commercials

You may think the Super Bowl is all about a sporting event, but you're wrong. It's all about television and, specifically, the adverts that litter the game. American Football is the perfect sport for the advertising exec.


Well, not only is America filled with vain, greedy sporting superstars who are willing to shill to the highest bidder, but American Football is also filled with stop/start action and, for every stop, there's a chance for a television advert. To many, the commercials are the whole reason for tuning in. IMAGINE! Anyway, if you can't be bother with all that sport cluttering up a perfectly good break, here's the ten best Super Bowl big game commercials.

It's worth pointing out that, 2012 is a weird Super Bowl year. Away from the game, this year sees most of the big match commercials being put online prior to the game, which kinda takes out the surprise element which made the ads worth tuning in for.

Either way, they're a talking point again, which will be good news to dead-hearted advertisers, who have all spent gigantic amounts of money for their precious 30 seconds of airtime.

Of course, if you live in the UK, you won't see any of these because the Super Bowl is shown on the BBC, which doesn't have commercials, so expect near endless punditry.

Anyway, here's the ten best commercials.

The Seinfeld One

The One With Curtains Made From Pizza

The One Where A Woman Assaults A Man

The Star Wars One

The Awful Ferris Bueller One

The David Beckham In His Underpants One

The One Where The Bloke Nearly Dies

The One With The Man Who Has A Singing Shoulder

The One With A Vampire Party

The One With A Car Full Of Dogs

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