viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Angelina Jolie Basks In The Glory Of Numerous Death Threats

There's nothing like feeling like a martyr if you're a pampered, spoiled Hollywood star like Angelina Jolie. It gives her the edge she so clearly craves. She's not vanilla like that Jennifer Aniston that her partner Brad Pitt used to hump.

And so, you can imagine that she's probably thrilled to bits with the worry of death threats.

Now, these aren't your common or garden death threats from mental fans. These are from people who have lived through wars and atrocities. Proper death threats then! QUICK! Get Jolie in your Death Sweepstake!

Jolie (director) and members of the cast (members of the cast) of 'In The Land of Blood and Honey' have reportedly been on the end of a number of death threats after the film premiered in Sarajevo.

Angelina's directorial debut is about all that Bosnian war business and intended to remind the world of what happened 20 years ago, to kick up debate and expose a few horrors on the way. Oh how bloody noble.

Alas, was Jolie didn't account for was that people who actually lived through it all may still have raw feelings about it all, on both sides of the fence.

With any luck, she's start another war with this film and she can stick that on her CV.

Jolie said:

"There were things sent to me, there were things posted online"

"The cast have never complained to me about these threats but I've heard through other people it was happening – one of them did have their windows smashed in on their cars and someone else had an issue when their phone was hacked and emails were sent out saying they were from them and saying they had been hurt.

"It was a scary thought that someone was thinking along those lines"

Scary but probably slightly arousing too. It's nice to be a vapid actor and get a feeling of worth once in a while, right?

Jolie has abandoned plans to attend a premiere of the film in the Serbian capital, Belgrade. Not because she might actually get killed. Oh no.

"The physical threats are not what most bothered me because I have been to so many different countries where there are different kinds of threats, being in Afghanistan and other places as an outspoken American woman."

"It was more that … with a film like this, you don't want it to be used as a tool … especially in an election year, where people are deciding to label it without having seen it, and try to incite aggression and violence"

Yeah right, whatever you say… CHICKEN.

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