viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Chris Brown: ‘I Promise I Won’t Beat You’ Chat-Up Line, Apparently

Okay. Just a quick one here. Hands up if you want to hear a rumour about Chris Brown's vile pickup line? Are you interested? Good, because it really is a stinker if it turns out to be true.

Apparently, Breezy – who pleaded guilty for felony assault on Rihanna – swaggered up to an attractive brunette on February 10th at the Lasio Professional Hair Care suite Grammy gift lounge and asked her this:

"Can I get your number? I promise I won't beat you!"

A sourece says:

"He and his friends laughed, then one yelled, 'That's his new line!' Ugh! I wanted to throw up!"

Legally, it is worth us pointing out that this is being refuted by Camp Breezy.

Brown's rep says:

"I'd be surprised if Chris said something that stupid."

Sadly, the rest of the known universe wouldn't be surprised at all. Seriously. This is a boy who has limitless capacity for simpletonry.

And how off-axis is the world? Well, there's rumours that Rihanna is considering recording a duet with Brown and that they may have even 'hooked up' a few times in the past 12 months.

Hands up if you're weary.

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