viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Charlie Sheen Slopes Into The News With Some Legal Action Stuck To His Head

It's coke week on hecklerspray and the latest trouble mental celebrity on our pages is our old chum Charlie Sheen who has stopped pretending to have feline blood and offering chandliers out for a fight, just in time to be threatened with legal action by his former employers!

Hurray for stupid Charlie Sheen who can't do a thing right thanks to addling his little walnut of a brain with a concoction of high quality drugs and glamour models.

What a spectacular berk he is.

His goddesses have left him, his heart is probably giving up and everyone's kinda forgotten about that tremendous month when he rose like Icarus, ready to die in a spectacular fireball. We laughed and waited for him to die and he went and fixed himself right up.

Still, that doesn't stop the people he knows wanting to make him pay. His former employers are threatening legal action over the use of photographs of himself to promote his new show.

The makers of TV comedy 'Two and a Half Men' have told Charlie Sheen to stop using their photos to promote his forthcoming new show 'Anger Management', according to the Telegraph.

A cease and desist letter to Sheen and the makers of 'Anger Management' claiming ownership of at least two photos. We get 'cease and desists' all the time. They're nothing. Just bin 'em!

However, Sheeno has money, whereas we're poorer than Brian McFadden.

Either way, we'd quite like to see Chuck Sheen in jail, provided his cell had a webcam installed. Seriously. Someone make THAT happen.

It'd be TV gold!

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