viernes, 17 de febrero de 2012

Win The Very Bathtub Whitney Houston Died In!

Are you the sort of person that slows down on the road when you see an accident up ahead, contorting your neck into all sorts of positions that were hitherto reserved for those that practiced the Karma Sutra, in the hope that you may catch a glimpse of what was once a person, just like you, but is now nothing more than an empty bag of bones spread across a dashboard?

Then, my morbidly curious friend, you're going to LOVE this!

Whitney Houston tragically died at the age of 48 this weekend, allegedly whilst on drugs, in the bathtub of her hotel room.

And now YOU can see the very bathtub she died in.

That's right, pictures of the Beverly Hills Hilton bathtub that the singer died in are now doing the rounds online, allowing people to gawp and scream at their computer screens, "Look, it's the ACTUAL bath that Whitney died in, with the ACTUAL water that she drowned in. OMG! I'm totally going to pin this to my Pinterest board!"

But you aren't going to find those photos on here. Sorry. We're all for shamelessly pedalling shameful pictures of celebrities, but even we have a line and, to be quite honest, publishing garish pictures of the bathtub an iconic singer passed away in is beneath us.

And, more importantly, seeking out such images should be beneath you to.

We were all subjected to the site of Michael Jackson's corpse plastered over the front page of the Sun, but what purpose did it serve? We knew he was dead, why not let his family grieve in peace rather than splash the photos of their father/brother/son's lifeless body on page 1, in the hope that it will shift a few thousand more copies.

Once again, sorry if you clicked on this link hoping to see the morbid spectacle of the place Whitney Houston is alleged to have spent her final moments.

But, to be frank, you need to get a life, paw over pictures detailing the end of someone else's.

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